La Femme Fleur endeavours to dispatch all orders within the specified time frame.
Same day delivery is available for Auckland locations (excluding rural deliveries), if the order is confirmed before 10am between Monday and Friday. Rural Auckland deliveries and those processed after 10am or on a non-business day are delivered next business day unless otherwise agreed. La Femme Fleur does not deliver outside of Auckland.
Successful deliveries require your full correct address, code for any security gates, a phone number for the recipient, and a specified alternative location to leave the flowers should access be impossible.
La Femme Fleur does not guarantee delivery of any order where the recipient refuses to accept it, the address provided is not correct or complete, the recipient is not at the address specified or it is unsafe to enter the address.
If the recipient is not at the address specified when the delivery is made, we will do our best to leave the order in a safe location. If we do leave the delivery in what we believe to be a safe location, we will not be liable if it goes missing or is lost or damaged.
In the unlikely event that a product cannot be delivered it will be returned to La Femme Fleur and we will make contact with you to arrange a new delivery time and date. Customers remain responsible for all delivery fees and a second delivery attempt may incur an additional charge.
We will deliver your flowers on the day specified in your subscription purchase except where a public holiday makes it impossible to do so. We will endeavour to contact you in advance to alert you of any changes to your delivery date.
If you are not home when we deliver your subscription flowers, we will leave them in a bucket or wet wrap at a location specified by you, if you provided one, in your order, or at your front door.
If we cannot contact you and there is nowhere to leave the flowers (as in the case for apartment deliveries) we will either redeliver and recharge the credit card we have on file as soon as practical, or you can collect the from our flower truck at 32B Shore Road, Remuera the following day. If you wish to collect them please please contact us